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Planet X
Planet X had the daunting task to resurrect the medieval city of Antwerp, 1521. The VFX crew started by taking a guided tour through Antwerp and discovering its many secret, historic locations. One of them being the extensive sewer system that still runs beneath the city's surface today. Armed with this knowledge, the team started building a completely 3D, procedural CG Antwerp. Isotropix Clarisse was used to create a city that was divided in different quarters, ranging from poor to rich. Each quarter looked at specific folders containing assets that match the social status of that particular district. Everything from trees to street furniture was also added this way and all in the same 3D environment. Director: Dennis Bots | DOP: Rolf Dekens, NSC | Grading: Fernando Rodrigues For full credits see video. MUSIC REEL: Composer Storm: Letter of Fire | Fons Merkies For more information go to WWW.PLANETX.NL © 2017 Phanta Basta! | PLANET X