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Liesbeth Esselink
During the course of the summer of 2008, Bart van Poppel and Elisabeth Esselink trekked the numerous rivers, lakes and waterways covering the twelve provinces of the Netherlands by an old motor boat. In each province a different cast of musicians were invited to climb aboard and purely a l'improviste, create a homage to the Dutch landscape. On returning to her home base in Amsterdam, Esselink took the resulting material full of noises, moods, voices and rhythms back to her studio where she set about processing the recordings into twelve separate sound-image com­positions, one for each province. Solex Ahoy, or better still, The Sound Map of the Netherlands is a reflection of the perilous route. A homage to the Dutch waterways. DIARY - Zuid Holland: In Vlaardingen we picked up Elle Bandita with her friend Philippa. Elle grew up in Maassluis from where she took the the train to Vlaardingen. The recordings were done before we knew it. Give her a guitar, a massive amount of distortion and off she goes! After the session we gave them a lift to Rotterdam where we met up with Ronald Snijders. Ronald is a veteran on the transverse flute. Think of Jethro Tull or Focus and the likes. He's a genius...and you just cannot get around that. Hans Elzinga couldn't meet up with us when we where in Zuid-Holland, but he will later on. He plays charango, cuatro and a Maquina Roja. (tropical drum kit). Promising!