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Branislav Jovanovic
Once upon a time Roma population living in Belgrade had a quite different life than nowadays. During the \'90, a Gypsy ghetto made of cartoon sheds, has been build under the bridge, in the vicinity of the richest hotels in the city like Continental and Hyatt. Nenad, 20-year-old Roma boy, tells of the differences between the past and the present, of the life they live now, of the ways to earn money by collecting old iron and paper, and by washing car windows. All against the background of Belgrade, the capital city of Serbia which was relentlessly bombed by NATO and EU in 1999 and despite that still hopes to become full member of EU in some (near) future. I made this documentary in 2007 together with Alexander Dijkgraaf. Shot in HDV with Sony Z-1. Editing done with AVID MC.