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Freelancer > camera, lighting, photography, edit

Daan Epskamp
Movie | Photography | Concept


To expand my network. Nice to meet new people.
If you (in the future) need a freelancer, I would like to be recommended.
I come from the Apeldoorn area, but I am of course available for the whole country.

Extensive experience with story-telling based videos and photography. I have worked for many different companies, including: Albert Heijn, Dr. Oetker, Ekoplaza, Gardena, BMW, Luzac, TIO, and more.

Specialize in the following:

- Camera work (FS7, FX6, RED, Canon)
- Light
- Editing
- Color grading
- Photography

I would like to refer you to my website for my portfolio.
Go to

I work on a full/half day basis. I also have my own FS7 set.
If you want more information you can always contact me.


Mail: [email protected]
Number: 0651192984

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Bericht geplaatst door: Daan Epskamp
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Op: 17-01-2023 / 593 x bekeken
Categorie: Bedrijven , Marktconforme betaling/vergoeding
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