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Klaslokaal Zwolle

Noa Hulleman

My name is Noa Hulleman, 22 years old and living in Zwolle. For my study Pedagogy at the Hogeschool Utrecht I am working on a short biographical film 'come out' about the Dutch education system. As a child I had trouble with the Dutch education system because I wanted to dance and do crafts. My ADHD made me struggle with anything related to schoolwork. My teachers and masters could say "nothing with me". The words have hurt me, I have not learned to stand in my strength, but now I am learning to have so much in me. I will record how I came to stand in my strength based on a short film The first fragment is filmed at a primary school by a professional cameraman, but I don't have a school yet where this could possibly be done.

My question to you is:
Is it possible to reserve a classroom at a primary school in Zwolle at the end of May, 1 Friday afternoon, to record a short fragment before the start of my film?

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Bericht geplaatst door: Noa Hulleman
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Op: 11-05-2023 / 361 x bekeken
Categorie: Te huur gevraagd , opnamestudio / filmlokatie
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