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Opzoek naar werk voor portfolio

Eden H Spaans


My name is Eden, 23 years old and I am almost graduated and looking for small projects or bigger ones to build my portfolio. I have a lumix panasonic g80, with lapel microphones and a directional microphone. I currently work with CapCut but can also work with Adobe Premiere Pro. I am a storyteller myself and I like to write, so I can write a script well. But I also like to make after films and promo videos for events.

I have an Instagram link with my show reel and portfolio If you would like to work with me, you can send me a message via email. [email protected]

Kind regards,

Eden Spanish

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Bericht geplaatst door: Eden H Spaans
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Op: 21-05-2024 / 373 x bekeken
Categorie: Personen / crew , 18-30 , Vrouw , Onervaren / nieuw talent , Marktconforme betaling/vergoeding , Lowbudget betaald (naast onkosten ook betaling) , Onkostenvergoeding (bv reisvergoeding)
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