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Milot Hajdini

Hi creative makers

I am an emerging Director of Photography looking for inspiring collaborations with other young talents. Whether fiction or non-fiction, I am open to different projects and ready to use my skills and passion. With my own camera and lighting equipment, I am fully equipped to get started right away.

You can also contact me for more commercial projects such as corporate videos and commercials.

Fancy a cup of coffee? Feel free to send me an email at [email protected]

For my portfolio I would like to refer you to and on Instagram I can be found at @lensedbyloti

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Bericht geplaatst door: Milot Hajdini
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Op: 03-06-2024 / 372 x bekeken
Categorie: Personen / crew , 18-30 , Man , Zeer ervaren , Marktconforme betaling/vergoeding , Lowbudget betaald (naast onkosten ook betaling) , Onkostenvergoeding (bv reisvergoeding)
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