Red DeerLucas SnijderProject Title: Red Deer Genre: Psychological Thriller / Surreal Drama Project Description: This project is an experimental short film exploring the fragmented memory of a man's past relationship. It's a story about the indifferent nature of our memories and the way they are structured and isolate us. Synopsis: The narrative follows Ben, lost in a maze of his own thoughts, drifting between disordered rooms, dark forests, and an eerie, infinite apartment building. The only constant is a Johanna —ethereal, enigmatic—who appears and disappears, in these spaces drawing him deeper into his own memories. The story unravels in a series of strange encounters: flickering lights in a black void, the hum of a song at his apartment door, a winding drive through an impenetrable forest, and a beach that appears like a mirage in the midst of the night. The GIRL's playful yet haunting dialogue blurs the lines between humor and despair, grounding him in memories and sensations that seem both real and illusionary. Ultimately, the MAN's journey is one of searching for a truth he can’t define, an elusive sense of peace in a world that shifts around him. With striking visuals and a haunting atmosphere, the film aims to capture the experience of being lost within one's own mind—where every step forward might lead to deeper uncertainty. Visual Style: The film will be shot with a minimalist yet vivid approach, using bold colors like red to symbolize the inner turmoil of the characters. Dark, empty spaces, subtle shifts in lighting, and fluid camera movements will create a dream-like quality. This is a project for those who love exploring deep psychological spaces through visual storytelling. Location: Amsterdam Submission: Please submit a headshot, resume, and a short reel or a monologue showcasing your range with subtle, nuanced performance. If shortlisted, you may be asked to audition with a prepared scene. Note: This project contains themes of psychological distress, solitude, and existential introspection. Applicants should be comfortable with intense emotional content and abstract narrative storytelling. Type semi-professionele productie Lokatie Amsterdam Omschrijving GIRL - Supporting role, early 20s to early 30s. Playful yet unsettling presence. The character moves fluidly between light-hearted banter and dark, reflective moments. A strong sense of nuance and charisma is essential, as the GIRL embodies a sense of both comfort and danger. Periode 12-13/12/2024 These won't be full-day shoots—specific times will be communicated later. Wat bieden wij? This is a low-budget production, so while we can’t offer a salary, we do provide cost compensation. You'll have the chance to be part of a bold, experimental project, gaining hands-on experience and working closely with the director. We’re committed to creating high-quality scenes with striking visuals and intense storytelling—perfect for enhancing your showreel and making your portfolio stand out. We’re excited to collaborate and create something memorable together! Reageren / meer informatie Je moet inloggen om te reageren Let op: Berichten die geplaatst worden op worden niet vooraf gecontroleerd. Gebruik je gezonde verstand bij het reageren op berichten en het versturen van persoonlijke informatie. Wij keuren het af als je ergens voor moet betalen om een rol te bemachtigen. Voor meer informatie hierover: kijk hier
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Bericht geplaatst door: Lucas Snijder
login om te reageren op dit bericht Op: 25-11-2024 / 439 x bekeken Categorie: Onkostenvergoeding (bv reisvergoeding) , 18-30 , Vrouw , Zeer ervaren , Redelijk ervaren of opgeleid , Student / in opleiding , Onervaren / nieuw talent bekijk profiel |