Acteur gezocht! Eerste jaars studentenproductieCharlotte PloegmakersMy first production in a form of short film. Logline: Six-year-old Milan flees with his teddy bear Teddy to a magical world to escape his feelings and the situation at home. But to get back To be able to return to the real world, he must first learn to accept his emotions. Synopsis: Milan is an imaginative six-year-old boy. He has a great imagination thing, and his parents are worried because he keeps going to bed early at night wants. His mother is especially worried. As soon as Milan crawls under his sheet, he escapes in his own world, where he sees his teddy bear come to life as a human being. In In this fantasy world Milan himself has also changed into a mature version of himself- himself. Together with his teddy bear, Milan must save a princess to return can return to the real world. In this fantasy world, Milan encounters a major obstacle that he must overcome win. In between we sometimes see his parents, especially his mother. worries. His father seems less concerned, which is frustrating for her. To return to the real world, Milan must face his fears. Eventually he overcomes this fear with the help of his teddy bear, and then he back to reality. At that moment it becomes clear why the family experiences so much pain: Milan's sister is sick in bed. At the end of the story Milan puts his teddy bear next to his sister, and this brings the family closer together each other. Type studentenproductie Lokatie Mierlo Omschrijving - Male actor - Age 20 to 30 years old, because the scenes between Milan older version and Teddy are together. Leek I think it would be nice for them if they were around the same age. Teddy is a comfort character for Milan, in the real world he is of course the toy he told the most and Teddy carries him through those difficult times. In the fantasy world he changes into a real person. He is the common thread that leads him to the way out. He comes calm about and has good intentions towards Milan. Teddy himself is a fairly sober character, because he is not a real person. His only priority is to be there for Milan. In one scene Teddy also makes a joke so the actor has to be able to convey it well. Periode In de week van 24 maart 1 draaidag van 8 uur tm 17:30 uur Wat bieden wij? Hopelijk een leuken samenwerken en kunnen we beiden veel van dit project leren. Reiskosten en eten worden allemaal geregeld! Reageren / meer informatie Je moet inloggen om te reageren Let op: Berichten die geplaatst worden op worden niet vooraf gecontroleerd. Gebruik je gezonde verstand bij het reageren op berichten en het versturen van persoonlijke informatie. Wij keuren het af als je ergens voor moet betalen om een rol te bemachtigen. Voor meer informatie hierover: kijk hier
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Bericht geplaatst door: Charlotte Ploegmakers
login om te reageren op dit bericht Op: 04-02-2025 / 169 x bekeken Categorie: Onkostenvergoeding (bv reisvergoeding) , 18-30 , Man Verloopt op: 30-03-2025 bekijk profiel |