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Producent gezocht voor shortfilm (de wind vangen)

Abdul rahim Jalloh

Short film called "catching the wind"

semi-professionele productie


for a short film that I am currently working on I am in the middle of a grant application and one of the things I still need is a producer. A lot of experience is not necessary, a little would be nice. I am mainly looking for someone who is ambitious and at the beginning of his/her career, which is where I am myself. As soon as my grant application can be approved you will definitely be paid as a producer. If you are interested in my work you can find it on youtube "INANSVISION"

zomer 2025

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een beetje ervaring

Wat bieden wij?
zodra mijn subsidie aanvraag is goedgekeurd zal je gewoon betaald word

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Bericht geplaatst door: Abdul rahim Jalloh
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Op: 27-03-2025 / 162 x bekeken
Categorie: Lowbudget betaald (naast onkosten ook betaling)
bekijk profiel