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van Vincent van den Ouden
Kras Lot 2018 drama / Stichting Filmalot / Jesse de Vries
actor male
Loslaten 2017 drama / 6 min. / RITCS School of Arts / Vincent van den Ouden
directing / idea development - comcepting / screenwriting
Verborgen 2017 drama / 11 min. / Stichting Filmalot / Reno Maenhout
actor male
De Verandering 2016 drama / 5 min. / RITCS School of Arts
actor male / idea development - comcepting
Het Meisje & De Poortwachter 2016 drama / 17 min. / RITCS School of Arts / Vincent van den Ouden
directing / idea development - comcepting / screenwriting
Afscheid 2015 drama / 4:52 min. / RITS School of Arts / Vincent van den Ouden
directing / idea development - comcepting / screenwriting
[M/V] 2014 drama / 6.27 min. / Team Fluffer Inc. / Ines den Hollander
actor male
Onvervuld Verlangen 2017 experimenteel / 4:32 min. / RITCS School of Arts / Vincent van den Ouden
directing / idea development - comcepting