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van Rob Jansen
OPSLAG 2015 documentaire / 5:33 min. / STUDIO XLM / Rob Jansen
grip / DOP - cinematographer / camera operator film / still photography / camera / grafisch designer / sound mixer studio / sound editing / editing / colorist / compositing / soundmastering / production manager / location manager / film producer / directing / idea development - comcepting
H A R T L A N D 2015 documentaire / 15:55 min. / STUDIO XLM / Door van der Wiele
grafisch designer / sound mixer studio / / audio engineering / editing / authoring & videomastering / colorist / encoder - dubber / soundmastering / first assistent
De Krekel en de Mier 2011 documentaire / 90 min. / Studio XLM / Rob Jansen
research / art direction set / camera / DOP - cinematographer / still photography / grafisch designer / sound mixer studio / / audio engineering / sound recording on location / editing / post producer / production manager / film producer / directing
BOY 2011 documentaire / Studio XLM / Rob Jansen
archiving / art direction set / camera / DOP - cinematographer / still photography / composer film score / sound mixer studio / sound editing / / audio engineering / sound recording on location / editing / authoring & videomastering / colorist / encoder - dubber / compositing / soundmastering / producer / post producer / post production manager / production manager / film producer / executive producer - line producer / directing / script continuity / screenwriting / script editor
Nihao 2010 documentaire / 22 min. / Studio XLM
camera / still photography / / sound recording on location / editing / film producer / directing / camjo / screenwriting
Report China 2010 documentaire / Studio XLM
still photography
How to use the brandnew Gimbal LA3D 2015 opdrachtfilm / STUDIO XLM / Rob Jansen
grip / DOP - cinematographer / camera operator film / still photography / camera / grafisch designer / sound mixer studio / sound editing / / audio engineering / sound recording on location / editing / colorist / soundmastering / production manager / executive producer - line producer / camjo / directing / idea development - comcepting
KLUSSENDAG 2015 opdrachtfilm / STUDIO XLM / Rob Jansen
DOP - cinematographer / camera operator film / still photography / camera / grafisch designer / sound mixer studio / sound editing / / audio engineering / sound recording on location / editing / colorist / directing / screenwriting
Innovatiedag 2015 - Ballast Nedam 2015 opdrachtfilm / Studio XLM / Rob Jansen
DOP - cinematographer / camera / still photography / sound mixer studio / / audio engineering / editing / colorist / compositing / soundmastering / production manager / film producer / directing / screenwriting
Pulseweb 2015 opdrachtfilm / 67 min. / Studio XLM / Rob Jansen
DOP - cinematographer / still photography / camera / grafisch designer / sound mixer studio / audio engineering / editing / colorist / encoder - dubber / soundmastering / production manager / directing / script continuity
Ken Mij 2014 opdrachtfilm / Studio XLM / Rob Jansen
research / art direction set / grip / DOP - cinematographer / still photography / camera / composer film score / sound mixer studio / sound editing / / audio engineering / sound recording on location / editing / authoring & videomastering / colorist / encoder - dubber / compositing / soundmastering / post producer / production manager / film producer / executive producer - line producer / directing / camjo / script continuity / screenwriting / script editor
Kerstfilm Subb 4 2014 opdrachtfilm / 2 min. / Studio XLM / Rob Jansen
DOP - cinematographer / camera operator film / still photography / camera / sound mixer studio / sound editing / sound recording studio / editing / colorist / soundmastering / production manager / executive producer - line producer / directing / screenwriting / script editor / idea development - comcepting
The making of The Brain 2014 opdrachtfilm / 1:45 min. / Studio XLM / Rob Jansen
grip / DOP - cinematographer / still photography / camera / sound mixer studio / sound editing / / audio engineering / sound recording on location / sound recording studio / editing / authoring & videomastering / colorist / compositing / soundmastering / post producer / post production manager / production manager / location manager / film producer / executive producer - line producer / directing / script continuity / screenwriting / script editor / idea development - comcepting
Ambachtelijk werk geeft kleur aan de samenleving 2013 opdrachtfilm / 21:13 min. / Studio XLM / Rob Jansen
art direction set / grip / DOP - cinematographer / camera operator film / still photography / camera / composer film score / sound mixer studio / sound editing / / audio engineering / editing / authoring & videomastering / colorist / encoder - dubber / compositing / soundmastering / subtitling / post producer / post production manager / production manager / location manager / film producer / executive producer - line producer / directing / camjo / script continuity / screenwriting / script editor / researcher / idea development - comcepting
Van Hark naar Pannenkoek 2013 opdrachtfilm / 6:50 min. / Studio XLM / Rob Jansen
art direction set / grip / DOP - cinematographer / still photography / camera / sound mixer studio / sound editing / audio engineering / editing / authoring & videomastering / colorist / encoder - dubber / compositing / soundmastering / post producer / post production manager / film producer / executive producer - line producer / directing / camjo
LEERBEDRIJF - Abrona 2012 opdrachtfilm / Studio XLM / Rob Jansen
camera / grip / DOP - cinematographer / still photography / composer film score / sound mixer studio / sound editing / / audio engineering / sound recording studio / editing / authoring & videomastering / colorist / encoder - dubber / compositing / soundmastering / post producer / post production manager / production manager / film producer / executive producer - line producer / directing / camjo / screenwriting / idea development - comcepting
CONGRES OVER RECHTEN - Raad op Maat 2012 opdrachtfilm / Studio XLM / Rob Jansen
camera / grip / DOP - cinematographer / still photography / composer film score / sound mixer studio / sound editing / / sound recording on location / sound recording studio / editing / authoring & videomastering / colorist / encoder - dubber / compositing / soundmastering / producer / post producer / post production manager / production manager / film producer / executive producer - line producer / camjo / directing / screenwriting
ZOMERHUIS - OPLArchitecten 2012 opdrachtfilm / Studio XLM / Rob Jansen
art direction set / camera / grip / DOP - cinematographer / still photography / composer film score / sound mixer studio / sound editing / / audio engineering / sound recording on location / editing / authoring & videomastering / colorist / encoder - dubber / compositing / soundmastering / post producer / post production manager / production manager / location manager / film producer / executive producer - line producer / directing / screenwriting
Barentsz 2011 opdrachtfilm / Studio XLM / Rob Jansen
DOP - cinematographer / still photography / camera / casting director > actors / sound mixer studio / / audio engineering / sound recording on location / editing / colorist / encoder - dubber / soundmastering / producer / post producer / production manager / film producer / executive producer - line producer / directing / script continuity / screenwriting / script editor / researcher / idea development - comcepting
MARS 2050 2015 clip / 6:45 min. / STUDIO XLM / Rob Jansen
grip / DOP - cinematographer / camera operator film / still photography / camera / grafisch designer / sound mixer studio / sound editing / / audio engineering / editing / authoring & videomastering / colorist / soundmastering / production manager / location manager / film producer / directing / screenwriting / idea development - comcepting
BRUXELLES - PARIS 2015 experimenteel / 1:35 min. / STUDIO XLM / Rob Jansen
grafisch designer / sound editing / audio engineering / editing / authoring & videomastering / colorist / soundmastering / production manager / idea development - comcepting
SIDESCUTTLE 2011 experimenteel / 03:58 min. / Studio XLM / Rob Jansen
DOP - cinematographer / camera / still photography / distribution / sound mixer studio / sound editing / / audio engineering / editing / authoring & videomastering / colorist / encoder - dubber / compositing / soundmastering / producer / post producer / production manager / film producer / executive producer - line producer / directing / screenwriting / idea development - comcepting
a b a n d o n e d P L A Y G R O U N D 2014 drama / 0:36 min. / Studio XLM / Rob Jansen
DOP - cinematographer / still photography / camera / grafisch designer / sound mixer studio / sound editing / audio engineering / editing / colorist / soundmastering / post production manager / location manager / film producer / executive producer - line producer / directing / screenwriting / idea development - comcepting
Lanparte Pro Kit 2013 commercial / 2:06 min. / Studio XLM / Rob Jansen
art direction set / DOP - cinematographer / still photography / camera / grafisch designer / composer film score / sound mixer studio / sound editing / / audio engineering / sound recording studio / editing / authoring & videomastering / colorist / encoder - dubber / compositing / soundmastering / post producer / post production manager / production manager / location manager / film producer / executive producer - line producer / directing / screenwriting / script editor / idea development - comcepting