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WONDERKAMERS, Kunstmuseum, The Hague
jaar 2020
synopsis Wonderkamers (Chambers of Wonder) is an inspiring world of fine art, photography, decorative art, architecture and fashion. Kids enter the chambers in pairs, with a tablet, to play a challenging museum game in a number of themed rooms, where they get the chance to dance with Mondrian, think about what art is worth, or discover what equipment you need to make a work of art. At the centre is an exciting maze filled with art, where the players design their own chamber of wonder.
I made the introduction video, DANS DE VICTORY, SPIEKEN BIJ MONDRIAAN, DRESS UP and I also used Bullet Time (Time Slice) shots to make animations for the Upload Room in the middle of the Wonderkamers Labyrint.

Dario Bardiccomputer animation
Dario Bardicoperator: Adobe
Dario Bardicmotion graphics designer
Dario Bardicvisuals

Corporate film