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Widows Weed
subtitel a spy with fatal moves
lengte 7 min.
jaar 2020
producent 48 Hour Global Film Challenge
regie Willem-Joop Lagarde & Bart Hoeve
scenario Willem-Joop Lagarde & Bart Hoeve

Massive popular internet star Brandy Admiraal has great ambitions concurring the world of entertainment by directing her first movie. This story about mysterious family drama is presented during a live television interview. The story is about her grandfather that once fell in love with his subject. A drama unfolding suppressing relationships secret seduction crossing social cultural borders is a story about spying one another. The outcome of the biggest fear might be reality.

Willem-Joop Lagardevisuals
Willem-Joop Lagardecamera
Willem-Joop Lagardeediting

Short film