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LUST FOR LIFE, Nederlands Fotomuseum, Rotterdam
jaar 2019
synopsis Ed van der Elsken loved photographing people. He didn't make any distinction between rich or poor, young or old, beautiful or ugly, colours of skin or whatsoever. He praised emotions that were universal: love, lust, happiness, sorrow, struggle, courage and vitality. Preferably, Ed worked in colour. It made his photos look closer to ‘real life’, as he put it. Lust for Life is a tribute to humanity and life itself. Celebrate life. And show who you are.
I made 4 videos for the multimedia part of the first retrospective exhibition of color photos by Ed van der Elsken.

Dario Bardiccomputer animation
Dario Bardicanimation
Dario Bardicmotion graphics designer
Dario Bardicvisuals
Dario Bardiccompositing

Corporate film