Mijn graduation project at the Willem de Kooning academy. It is a 3D computer animated short with a story. In my graduation project I used all kinds of techniques and theories I learnt.
My graduation movies has been nominated for the 'Tent academy award 2011'. It has also been requested at the 'Dutch Film Festival.
My film can be seen here - 'Gravity of the situation':
My graduation film has been nominated for the 'Tent academy award 2011' and has been considered for the 'Nederlands Film Festival'.
vraag mij voor
I'm looking for the following functions:
- 3D modeling
- 2D and 3D animations
- Postproduction
- Flash animations
- Photoshop and illustrations
- 3D modeling and rendering
software kennis
Adobe Flash Uitgebreid
Adobe Photoshop Uitgebreid
AdobeAfterEffects Uitgebreid
Adobe premiere Gemiddeld
Autodesk Maya Uitgebreid
XSI Soft image Gemiddeld
Zbrush Gemiddeld