NISB Street Wave GPS iPhone App
The Rotterdam Conspiracy
The Rotterdam Conspiracy
Power Of Images
The use of various mobile media gives the message of a game much more impact: Location-Based Gaming uses image, sound, video fragments and interaction, so that the information is presented in a much more sensory way. Present, past and future are presented as an experience.
By using “gamification†methods we stimulate the use of our products.
The use of various mobile media gives the message of a game much more impact: Location-Based Gaming uses image, sound, video fragments and interaction, so that the information is presented in a much more sensory way. Present, past and future are presented as an experience.
By using “gamification†methods we stimulate the use of our products.
Erfgoed, natuur, architectuur, rondleidingen, bustours, stadswandelingen, fietsroutes, rondvaarten, tentoonstellingen, musea, bezoekerscentra, citymarketing etc.