Per FilmWijzer
Preparation for a film quiz focused on content.
Placing films on the agenda as a source of law.
Honorable mention Alibi.
Prize winner Ideas Waiting To Happen, 2012.
vraag mij voor
Filmquiz gericht op goede inhoud.
Inzichten uit films ("filminzichten" / "inspirationals").
Filmadvies (voor vertoning voor een bepaalde doelgroep).
Films als rechtsbron.
Filmvertoning, binnen of buiten.
Lawyer-journalist, innovator, creative thinker.
** “Some see things that exist and say: Why? I see things that never existed and say: Why not? **
** Who knows better which film to see than the regular viewers who have already been there? **
** Good films are like art treasures. Per Film Wijzer gives good films wings. **
**When you learn something better, you move yourself forward [move]**
** “Welcome to New York. Free information here” [text in background in the street, in the film “Three days of the Condor” with Robert Redford] **
Filosofisch ingestelde geest en mond.
hardware kennis
Apple iMac + MacBook Pro.
software kennis
MS Word (Office), TekstEditor, Pages, OmmWriter, QuarkXPress (DeskTop Publishing), theaterprogramma Compeso, Outlook Express en internetbrowsers Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer.
Apple Macintosh: Meer dan vijftien jaar ervaring.