Animation, Corporate film, Commercial, Documentary, Drama film, Internet film, Short film, Feature film, Drama for Television / Series, Theatre, Music Video, Experimental
keywords: actor, voice over
On display in Brimstone, Riphagen, Vechtershart, Project Orpheus, Zwarte Tulp, Hartenstraat, 4Jim, Penoza, Smeris, Toren C, Het Geheim van Eyck, De Fractie, Noord/Zuid, De Deal, Een Verre Reis, De Bende van Oss , Gooische Women, Cops Maastricht, Doctor Tinus, To the Other Side of the Night!, Costa del Sol, The last journey of mister van Leeuwen, Revenge, 13 in the War, Sint, I also love you.. And on the internet as a presenter of the successful program 'Netherlands Cozy!' from The Pin.
Contact or more info: bobstoop.nl or imdb.me/bobstoop.
Voice-over for commercials, corporate films, animations, children's books and voice of Vincent van Gogh in the Van Gogh Museum
| BobStoop-Bedrijfsfilms
voice over Bedrijfsfilms; veelal opgenomen in mijn eigen professionele studio |
| BobStoop-Commercials
voice over Diverse Radio/TV-Commercials |
| BobStoop-Typetjes&Accenten
voice - accents ..alles is mogelijk |
showreel |
For English subtitles go to vimeo.com/159255868.
Te zien in oa Brimstone, Riphagen, Vechtershart, Project Orpheus, Zwarte Tulp, Hartenstraat, 4Jim, Penoza, Smeris, Toren C, Het Geheim van Eyck, De Fractie, Noord/Zuid, De Deal, Een Verre Reis, De Bende van Oss, Gooische Vrouwen, Flikken Maastricht,...
trackrecord Acting as an actor in Brimstone, Riphagen, Vechtershart, Zwarte Tulp, Project Orpheus, De Fractie, 4Jim, Penoza, Hartenstraat, Smeris, Toren C, Noord/Zuid, De Deal, Het Geheim van Eyck, Een Verre Reis, De Bende van Oss, Gooische Vrouwen, Flikken Maastricht, Dokter Tinus, Naar de Overkant van de Nacht!, Costa del Sol and as a presenter of the successful online program 'Netherlands Cozy!' from The Pin.
In 2012 I won the 'Best Actor' award at the Delta Shorts at Film by the Sea for my leading role in the movie 'Unconditional'.
The film Het Leven by Geert Groote is currently a finalist at the New York TV & Film Festival; the award show will take place in April 2016 in Las Vegas.
My love for acting started in the theater, I played leading roles in the major theaters of the Netherlands and Belgium, including in 'Monty Python's Spamalot' by Eric Idle, 'Aïda' by Verdi at the Dutch Opera and 'Het Orkest van de Eeuw' with the North Netherlands Orchestra. Before this I played with the most diverse theater groups including Nieuw West, Kassys, the Peer Group, Ontroerend Goed, Bonte Hond, Wederzijs, Annette Speelt and op de Parade. prijzen - 'Best Actor' at the Delta Shorts at Film by the Sea 2012' - The Life of Geert Groote is currently a finalist at the New York TV & Film Festival; the award show will take place in April 2016 in Las Vegas. vraag mij voor *Filmacteur / *Televisieacteur / *Voice-Over (met professionele studio) equipment Professionele voice-over opnamestudio.
Amsterdamse Hoge School voor de Kunsten De Theaterschool | 1999-2003 |
Dutch Actor and voice over with professional recording studio.
Brimstone, Riphagen Project Orpheus, Vechtershart and host of the successful online show Nederland Gezellig! by De Speld. Voice-over for commercials, corporate movies, children's books and the voice of Vincent van Gogh in the Van Gogh...