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Corporate film, Internet film, Music Video

Maurice de Vries

keywords: editing (most), filming

After my VMBO Graphics Diploma, I started an MBO Graphics course in 2004. During this training, a new course was introduced that focused on filming/editing and arranging lighting techniques for school activities. I always helped with this and learned a bit more about theater lights and mixing and control tables. In 2006 I stopped this course.

In 2006 I followed the MBO Theater Technique course for a year. It was personally a tough training and I decided to stop this too.

After this I followed a course that took place completely outside the film world, namely an MBO Medical Laboratory Technician course. After 3 years I also stopped this because of too little interest. During this training I was moderately busy editing family / holiday films.

In 2008 I decided to follow the MBO AV-Employee training. This was a course fully focused on photography, filming and editing. During the course I became more and more interested in filming and editing. In the 1.5 years I did an internship at iGlow Media (in Zwolle) and Time Star Media (in Meppel).
Unfortunately, at iGlow Media I didn't learn many new aspects of editing or filming. I was able to do a great project, namely making a number of films for the band 'Delain'. Which led to the filming and editing of a concert registration in Paris.
At TSM (Time Star Media) I learned a lot about editing and filming.

In 2012 I graduated as a Video Editor with a diploma. And in 2013 I started my own video production company 'MRise Media'.


'Bewust Leven' Beurs 2016 2016 opdrachtfilm / 6 min. / MRise Media
camera / editing
Drukkerijmuseum Meppel - Drukpersvideo's 2015 opdrachtfilm / 2 min. / MRise Media
camera / editing
Acupucntuurpraktijk Uffelte - Promotiefilm 2014 opdrachtfilm / 2 min. / MRise Media
camera / editing
Bedrijfsreportage - Groentotaal A. de Boer 2013 opdrachtfilm / MRise Media / Maurice de Vries
camera / editing
Bedrijfsreportages - JB Inflatable BV 2012 opdrachtfilm / MRise Media / Maurice de Vries
camera / editing
The Drum Sessions - Drumvideo's 2015 clip / MRise Media
camera / editing
Afstudeerproject - Downfall of Empires 'Sede... 2012 clip / 4:10 min. / Maurice de Vries
camera / editing
Nuclear Driven Animals - Biker of a Widow 2010 clip / 3:54 min. / Maurice de Vries
camera / editing
Scala Meppel - Dansvoorstelling 2014 2014 theater / 181 min. / MRise Media
camera / / editing / authoring & videomastering
Concertregistratie - Delain, Alhambra (Paris) 2011 theater / 7:47 min. / Maurice de Vries, Timo Drent
camera / editing
Afstudeerproject - Deltion College RopaRun 2012 2012 documentaire / Maurice de Vries, Daan Grendelman
camera / editing
'Blue Life' - Korte Film 2010 overig / Maurice de Vries / Maurice de Vries
camera / / editing



Most of the projects I've done have been beautiful and important assignments.

But I thought the 'Delain' project was the greatest.
With a well-known band, partly on tour and making an impression film of the last concert show. But also the music videos (drum covers and the video clips) have been really great.
vraag mij voor
Iets wat met muziek te maken heeft; videoclips, drumvideo's, covers etc.
Ik vindt het super gaaf om daar wat mee te doen en zou daar ook graag verder in willen groeien.
Editing, good sense of rhythm and timing, being able to edit music well.
Apple Computer, voor montage
Canon EOS 550D, Camera
Camera Rig
hardware kennis
Mac OSX (meest)
software kennis
Adobe Premiere
Adobe Photoshop (Beginnend, Basis)
Adobe Illustrator (Beginnend, Basis)
Adobe After Effects (Beginnend, Basis)
Adobe Encore (Beginnend, Basis)

Final Cut Pro
DVD Studio Pro


MRise Media
Eigenaar, Video-editor, Cameraman


MRise Media is een jong, fris en energiek videoproductie bedrijf uit Meppel, dat professionele en uiteenlopende video's produceert voor o.a; particulieren, bedrijven, instanties/organisaties en muziekbands.
Dit is onze youtube-kanaal, van onze bedrijf MRise Media