Playful and driven actor. Professional theater teacher. Creative writing teacher. Involved presenter. You can see where on my CV. At the moment I do a lot of applied theatre. Film and camera experience is growing. Short film 'It's something' in 48-our project (main role). 'Bertus the construction worker' three items as a construction worker who explains a renovation of an office on camera to the staff who have to work there (a bit clockwork-like). Also made several corporate films.
vraag mij voor
Speelse producties omdat ik daar plezier uit haal. Serieuze rollen omdat dat me uitdaagt. Sitcoms omdat dat me leuk lijkt. Filmrollen omdat dat nog niet op mijn CV staat. Verder wil ik gewoon meer acteren dan ik nu doe. En voice-over en animaties inspreken... tja, welke acteur wil dat nou niet? Dus kom maar op!
My drive to get to the heart of the matter. What is it really about? How can I experience what my character experiences as truly as possible? I am playful, creative, persistent, and really want to do well.