The company was founded by three talented independent filmmakers, Brian, Ian and Tim, who with their combined skills and passion for the medium of moving images, believe they can add more quality to the growing market of website related videos. For further expertise and value into your production, we can draw on a large group of knowledgeable connections within our network.
"X" (an Xhilerating actionfilm)
"All the children are insane" (horror feature)
"Dierendokters" (mini documentary)
'Stefan Skyscraper Struve" (Documentary about an UFC fighter)
Companyfilms, event coverage and promovideos for the commercial sector
"All the children are insane" (horror feature)
"Dierendokters" (mini documentary)
'Stefan Skyscraper Struve" (Documentary about an UFC fighter)
Companyfilms, event coverage and promovideos for the commercial sector
I own my own equipment and can also be hired for projects such as camjo, soundman, cameraman, editor or the like.