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telefoon: 0651359726

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Drama film, Short film, Drama for Television / Series, Television

John Visser

keywords: actor, director, sing, song writing, script writing, musicals

My name is John Visser aka Jevie.
I've been singing since I can remember.
music is my passion and my life because you can process all your emotions in it.
I write my own lyrics because I think it's important to be unique.
I also compose my own music with the help of musicians.
acting is also a great passion that I have, for the same reason.
I myself have already participated in various projects and would like to broaden my horizon as an actor and singer.
I also like to participate in a musical every now and then.
My last Musical project was Life interrupted Shoah "the Musical".
My last Film Project was Newkids Nitro.


Mijn album, NCRV Z@ppdelict, Eyeworks The nicest hidden camera joke in the Netherlands, RTL my name is (Ali G look a like for the madonna act.), janroyceproductions Life interupted Shoah, Seinpost Denhaag, Newkids Nitro, Quiz and currently I am in collaboration with deavl mixed media to make a short film for both my showreel and my resume.
unique singing voice, musical, tough looking, artistic, creative, progressive and a good listener.
eigen militaire woodland outfit. (2010)