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telefoon: 0031640814167

my companies


marleen van der Loo

keywords: actress, singer, presenter, model

I am a very experienced (musical) actress and singer. For the past 20 years I have played major leading and supporting roles non-stop in the most famous Dutch, German and Austrian musicals. In addition, I have played in a number of commercials, done a tele-film, dubbed cartoons, played in a soap opera and sung many television galas.


2010: Past and Such (Tele film by Teleac)
2009: avro christmas gala
2007: Looking For Evita (avro)
2006 :Topstars (soap series Tros/Studio 100)
2005: Musical Award Gala (avro)
2005: Topstars (soap series Tros/studio 100)
2004: Topstars (soap series Tros/studio 100)
1995–present: various commercials
Won the audience award in Vienna in 1998 for her leading role in Tanz Der Vampire. Directed by: Roman Polanski.

Was nominated in 2005 for the John Kraaijkamp Musical Award for her role in Hello Dolly. Directed by: John Yost

Was nominated in 2009 for the John Kraaijkamp Musical Award for her role in Footloose. Directed by: Martin Michel
What makes me unique is my versatility.
Besides being an actress, I am also a professional singer.
As an actress I have an honest natural way of playing, but because of my extensive theater experience I also feel at home with comedy and creating (caricature) "types".