- 'Liedjes van Eigen Boezem' - Music theater project with accompanying group 'VierMatenVooraf';
- Video clip 'Pearl' - reading poem in the Mauritshuis, with the painting 'Girl with a Pearl Earring';
- Video clip 'Naked Girls', accompanying the song of the same name - director and camera: Anne Fehres
- Shakespeare's Babylon - drama based on three plays by William Shakespeare, about power, love and revenge;
- TheaterCafé OpStand Preaches The Revolution! - total theater under one theme. A parade on one stage in one evening. (Producer and theater maker.)
vraag mij voor
- acteren;
- voordrachten;
- performance;
- voice-over;
- dagvoorzitterschap;
- accentless Dutch, very good diction;
- low, clear voice;
- a lot of energy on stage / in front of the camera