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Drama film, Theatre, Music Video, Experimental

Celine Wetzels

keywords: professional dancer with 7 years of stage experience

Authenticity, curiosity, discipline and openness are four qualities that I, Celine Wetzels, 21 years old, really appreciate in others and that I strive for myself both as an artist and in life in general. I am very passionate about all branches of art (especially poetry, dance, drama, painting) and therefore try to develop myself as optimally as possible. As an artist, I think it is important to encourage the audience to think about certain issues in society or life itself, which are not given much attention due to the urgency of the day. In addition, I think it is a wonderful thing to bring a concept to life and to be able to share a unique perspective with others.

I recently graduated from Codarts Rotterdam, the High School for the Arts, with a specialization in 'Modern Theater Dance'. I would now like to convert the knowledge and experiences I have gained in collaboration with other motivated people into something wonderfully new and inspiring; a new chapter begins!



Sharon Eyal - Lost Cause (2019, Konzert Theater Bern) Jo Stromgen - Salva Regina (2019, Konzert Theater Bern) Laboratoire Swiss de la Danse - solo 'the bunch' (2018, Switzerland) Alleyne Dance - Innocent Children (2018, Talent on the Move Dutch tour) Caetano Soto - 28000 waves (2018, Talent on the Move Dutch tour) Jiri Kylian - Bella Figura (2017, Lof der Geneeskunst Rotterdam, Holland Dance Festival, Talent on the Move Dutch tour) Stephen Shropshire - Golden Pas de Deux (2017, International Ballet Conference Toronto, Holland Dance Festival, Dutch Ballet Gala, Talent on the Move Dutch tour) Martha Graham - Diversion of Angels, Maple Leaf Ragg (2016, Codarts Rotterdam) ​
- Holland Scholarship 2018 - WilWeg Webinar - Connie Hartong Scholarship 2017 - Prins Bernard Cultuur Fonds - Selected to attend the 'International Ballet Conference 2017' in Toronto, as one of the six Dutch - Ballet gala, dansersfonds '79 (2017): performed in award-winner Stephen Shropshire's production
- Flexible - Responsible - Communicative - Disciplined - Improvisation - Ballet - Jazz - Modern dance techniques - Acoustic guitar - Acting - Neuro Linguistic Programming at the Academy of Modern Applied Psychology


Konzert Theater Bern
Moderne Theater Danser Tanz
Codarts, Hoge School voor de Kunsten
Student Assistent Dance History Mentor


Artiesten pagina van Celine Wetzels, welke onder andere haar curriculum vitae, media, projecten en contact formulier bevat.