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Dad, please come in (November 2020); film role of dad
Bride Token (October 2020) film; role of father
The Story of the Netherlands (October 2020) TV series; role of flagellant
The Friendship (July 1991) graduation film; role of brother
Assessments and role plays (The Hague University of Applied Sciences 1980-2020)
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BuZa (February 2021) TV series Vara; Reuring (February 2021) graduation film; The Spectacular (November 2020) TV series VPRO; Pink Moon (November 2020) film; Eyeballs, (October 2020) TV series; Mascot, Remy van Heugten (September 2020) film; De Stamhouder (September 2020) TV series; Christoffel Ko Hummus De Film (September 2020) graduation film; Spangas (August 2020) TV series; Ferry (August 2020) TV series; Swanenburg (June 2020) TV series KRO NCRV; Otto (June 2020) graduation film; Oud Geld (1997) TV series, Maria Goos.
Video link - Actors wanted - Dad, come in - Cinevita[0]=AZX9sYPGZrZz2wgonKRQLGjX3N5Z7UQ8Dl5SoIGx5baOe9mkIKnHCirSU6RGfZBHRbqlRpA5CvxaBODxz9MpdbYIo5SIxKzl JxBzpRrVhDjmpS3zkonjMk8gJ2v7XdkqXoxqfHxbpB2HAevAYBbGPRoVwTI2LaWsxrPfXmBmywug_g&__tn__=HR
First prize competition 'Write a monologue about The Hague.'
Several 'Ikjes' (short texts) in NRC Handelsblad.
Co-author of 2 cookbooks and a children's book
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Jullie mogen voor alles contact met mij opnemen.
In general, people enjoy working with me. I enjoy meeting new people and further developing skills.