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Commercial, Short film, Feature film, Drama for Television / Series

Aemarylle Lemmens

keywords: actress, model, entrepreneur.

I've been working on extras, bit part extras and acting for a year now. Last year in July I obtained my certificate for De Nederlandse Acteursschool in Amsterdam. Here I learned a lot to improve my acting skills even more.

I've also been doing modeling for a long time where I'm working on different assignments every month.

I once participated in an episode of a program that was broadcast on YouTube, which I really enjoyed doing. I also participated in the Singletown program in 2022 as a date of one of the candidates. Furthermore, attended live shows and also played in video clips.

My hobbies are all things that give me a lot of energy.
For example acting, modeling, presenting, photography, fashion, travel and entrepreneurship. Being creative with everything in life which is my passion. To discover new things every time. I like to take on new challenges and take risks. Always push yourself to the limit and learn new things. To go out of my comfort zone so that I can discover new skills of myself. Spending time with my family, loved ones and animals.


Aemarylle Lemmens Voice voice over
