Public Woman (Documentary Direction) Baarsjes Belevenissen (Documentary Direction) Rent a Friend Hufters and Hofdames Danny de Junk(Director) Bietsers (Director)
2009 NOT filmeducation Propaganda, filmeducation nomination NIF (Dutch IInstitute Filmeducation) 2006 IFF Berlin Publieke Woman,55' camjo documentary. Manama Productions 2000 Cinema Digital The elderly elevator, short documentary, NIM (Netherlands Media Art Institute) Paradiso, Amsterdam. 1997 Utrecht film days Danny de Junk, Bietsers and Lift, short feature film and documentaries, NPS evening of the short film. 1990 Meervaart video festival De Drang, short feature film, 2nd prize. 1989 Meervaart video festival 'll be around, video clip, 2nd prize.
The combination of camera and directing and interviewing. Directing presenters, have also presented myself. I approach projects conceptually and creatively.